Sunday, March 1, 2009

Sunday Day Game at Melrose and The Grove

What a beautiful day in LA! Sunny and 85 degrees, which means beautiful women are out in droves...

I head to Melrose with Mr. S to do a little shopping. In a jewelry store, I run some game on the hired gun who is a little Japanese girl.

1. When we walked into this store, HBAsian does the standard store girl bit about can she help us. I could tell from the accent that she was Japanese, so I asked her if she was from Japan, and then spouted off some Japanese phrases. She asked where I have been in Japan, so we talked about that for a bit, then she asked if I was in a band. Maybe. What instrument do you think I would play? Guitar. What is it about guitar players that you find so attractive? Haha. OK, so I am in a band... the Rolling Stones. Haha. No, I just sleep on my band friends couches and steal their drugs and girls. But you and I should start a band... she is already in a band, and her sister is the guitar player. I start checking out some sunglasses, and tell her I only buy things that are 50% off. She can't help. I thumb wrestle her for a discount. This is her first time thumbwrestling, so I beat her mercilessly. We joke around some more, and she asks if I am really in a band. I already told you that, aren't you paying attention? Haha. I go for the #, but no dice. She gives me her bands myspace and invites us to her show. I give her a hug good-bye, and off we go (C>5)

2. As we are walking up to another shop, I see this smoking hot girl smoking a cigarette out front. She finishes, and walks back inside the store. In I go...
And I accuse her of being a dick stomper. She loves it. Shedding Cat. Smart/Hot/Rich. Her qualities include singing and dancing, as she does ballet. I ask her to sing for me. She is too shy. So I ask her to do some ballet. She complies. I ask for her #. No. 49 times. No, but if you come back and talk to me more then we can discuss it. She interacts with a couple customers. I run the Tom Hanks routine, but with Bruce Willis. She says she thinks I do look like him. We are leaving now, and she says she didn't catch my name. Brad Pitt. We vibe, and I give her my real name. Then I tell her, OK, come out from behind that counter and give me a hug. She does. And off I roll. I need to make it back to that place for sure (C>5)

Off to The Grove.
3. I open a seated 2-set with Do I look Gay? It sticks great. They are from out of town. Smart tests. Brad Pitt. Vibed on common backgrounds. Hollywood tourism banter. I tell the target we should hang out tomorrow and see Hollywood. She agrees. # exchange (# close)

4. I open a girl with HG. Hug. She has to go (C<5)

5. 2 HB10 russians. HG. I'm part way through the opener, and she says "You are done!" I am so done, but I feel really bad about it. No, you are done! Yeah, I am really done, but can you forgive me?! She walks away speaking russian (Blowout)

6. Later in the night, I stop by a restaurant, and banter with the waitress. No game or anything, just some general humor. I invite her and her friends to a Sunday bbq. (# close)

I was pretty high energy today, and was having a ton of fun just bantering with women today.

B - 1
C<5 - 1
C>5 - 2
# - 2

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