Saturday, March 28, 2009

Day game - Melrose / Grove / Whole Foods

We met the promoters at the house at 4:00, and started driving to Melrose. In route...

84. I jump out of the car to open a 2-set of blonds. Horse Girl. The other girl heard it, and said I asked her at a club a couple weeks ago. Really, I've never been to that club. Well, unless you have a twin that asks if people like horses, then it was definitely you. I confess to being a triplet. I ask how many shoes she owns... They are walking faster now, so I eject... (C<5)

85. I jump out of the car to open a 2-set of Filipinos. HG. The girl is always looking away, kind of confused. I still get the hug. They run off (C<5)

86. I open a solo girl in a vintage clothing store. She is buying sexy shoes, so I use the pointy shoes opener. She likes it, loves it actually. But I fade away, and don't push it, even though I see her looking at me later, and she walks by and says good bye. Wow, that was a total pussy moment for me (C<5)

I situationally open a few girls, one with blue hair that I hand off to Ray. He # closes. Another with a cool ring. Another to ask if she likes a hat I am trying on. Then I ask if I look gay, and do that routine... and finally another girl working in the store, to ask if she'll discount the hat 90%. I don't count these sets, because they were just idle banter.

87. A girl is leaving a store. HG. Hug. She is in town from Denver visiting friends, and they are now also leaving the store and pull her away (C<5)

Now we head to the Grove / Whole Foods

88. Cute blond. HG. Hug. She name drops that she is a big deal, and I kind of walk away (C<5)

We eat, then head back to the Grove

89. In the book store, a girl comes off the escalator. I HG her, she laughs, we hug. She really has to go, but not before giving me her email. (#/email)

90. Girl walks by in a shawl, looking cold. HG. I get the hug. She walks off (C<5)

91. Standing 2-set. I go in with Ray, and say hey, help us out, would you date a guy that listens to Disney music? We chat about that for awhile, and it is a little dead. Ray asks if they would date somebody from myspace, and they both say they have boyfriends. I didn't do the opener to completion, not asking if disney music makes them horny... We eventually just fizzle out and walk away. As we are leaving, the cutest of the 2 runs after us and asks if this is from that show the Game. I play stupid, and she reads that to mean that we are from the show, and walks off. In retrospect, I should have played along and teased her for running after me because she's into me, and told her to not look at the camera. (C>5)

A pretty weak day overall, but I learned a few things (or re-learned.) One, don't be a pussy. Two, don't be a pussy. And 3, your damn right this is from the Game. Suck my balls!

C<5 - 6
C>5 - 1
# - 1


  1. No, The Game teaches people to play things safe and that the ultimate goal is to get girls' numbers. I hardly think that's our goal.

  2. You're right, I should have explained to her that The Game is weak sauce, and this is that high powered Brad P shit. Or I could have just conveyed that through sheer bravado, which is my point
