Saturday, April 25, 2009

Friday - Day and Night Game

Joker had a friend in town. We went to UCLA. It was lame

88. I open a girl on the street corner. HG. She walks away (B)

89. I open another girl on a street corner. Horse Girl. We walk together a bit. She is from Israel. I visited Israel and we vibe on that. (C<5)

We go to Santa Monica.
90. I jump out of the car. Horse Girl. Laugh. Walk away (B)

91. Tall girl, get her #. Joker wings. She met the love of her life. Really, and we just met. Maybe when I get to know you better I will say the same. I run a lot of stuff on her... Smart Tests. Smart/Hot/Rich. We vibe on travel. Friend Zone. She is flying to NZ tomorrow (#)

92. 2 blonds. U like horses. No! Walk away (B)

Back home for a nap

To the Standard
93. Skinny girl in lobby. Horse Girl. Hug. This girl is smokin hot. Smart Tests. Her friend comes in from outside and pulls her away (C<5)

94. I walk out to find the boyz, and there is a girl in the smoking area... with nobody talking to her. I open her situationally, my arm around her. She goes back inside, and sits down with her friends. I roll up, introduce myself to the friends, and start talking with them. I put my hand on the target, and say oops, i accidentally touched your breast. No you didn't... So I put my hand on her breast, and talk with her for a minute. Logistics... 2 girls, 3 guys. The girls are free to roam later in the night (#) I text later in the night but no response

Saddle Ranch
I was in here earlier. The door guys says, hey, welcome back. Bring your friends over and I'll get you a round of drinks. So I bring the guys back over... free drinks on me :)

95. 2 girls at the bar. Horse Girl. Hug with the horse girl, chat with the friend a minute. She interrupts and says "She has a serious boyfriend!" Pre-emptive cockblock, haha. I said, whoa, its all good, I'm gay. And then the friend became sweet as pie. I embellished a little bit, and said yeah, we could totally like have a sleep over and spoon, and nothing would happen. We could even take a shower together, and it would be like I was just one of the girls. She thought that was a bit too much, and let me know, but now she was all sweet. Joker comes in to wing and talks with her, while I focus on my target. I am seated at the bar now, with her between my legs. I'm touching her lower back, her ass. We talk about travel, and she has been to Brazil. I tell her about a girlfriend of mine that went to Brazil, and came back with a brazilian. Did she get a brazilian? And I touch her between the legs to emphasize. She politely slides my hand away, acts demure, and says she always keeps it clean... still touching my hand. Smart Tests. Smart/Hot/Rich. Her parents are rich, she is a student. I go into 8 girlfriends, and she says she has one boyfriend. I say One!? Only one?! What a waste of resources... I remember when I was 22, I had one girlfriend that I thought was great, but I didn't know what I didn't know. It wasn't until years later after I grew up, matured, and figured out what was important in life that I realized how poor of a fit we were. (Sounds like a b/f buster to me. I could tell by the look in her eyes that she could relate.) She tells me that we should meet for coffee. I agree and take her number, and setup a date/time/location. I talk about how great the coffee is at this place, and she is into it. We vibe a bit more to make things more solid. Joker gets the friends #. (# close)

96. I'm doing my predatory shark stroll around the bar, when I see a girl fucking me with her eyes. 10 seconds later, we are making out. Let's go I say. She says she can't leave without her friends. Follow me... and I lead her to the men's bathroom. I am completely inside, she is halfway inside, and a male employee grabs her wrist and says, "Dude, she can't go in there with you!" wtf. I should have slipped him a $20. Brad says I should have whispered to him, dude, I have IBS and my g/f needs to help me. My 2 minute bathroom pull fails... but I get her out to my car, and am just talking with her, while Joker is looking for her friend. Then suddenly, this troll walks up to the passenger door, opens the car and pulls out the girl, and yells inside, "What are you doing in a car with my friend!?" This girl is hideous and angry. I get out of the car, and ask if Joker found her, we were looking for you. 3 guys in the parking lot say, Hey, he was just trying to help. But there is no communicating with a troll, and she drags her friend to the street and they hop in a taxi (k close)

Happy Endings
97. Horse Girl. Heard it. Plow. I rode a horse once... I tell a whole story, and they forget I did the HG opener and that they had already heard it. (C<5)

I vibe with the new guys from House 2 for a minute.

98. 3 girls together. Oprah. The rest of the interaction escapes me (C<5)

99. Cute girl walking past. HG. Hug. Smart Tests. Smart/Hot/Rich. We are vibing great, so I invite her and her friend to House 2. They agree. Turns out there are two guys in the group, or so I inferred... but the feel I got was that they wouldn't come without the guys. Joker later got rid of the dudes. I isolated my girl twice, once on the back porch, but then she needed to go to the bathroom. And then once on the couch. She wouldn't sit next to me, always a bit of a distance... I was still kino'ing her. I read her Palm, and she loves it. I used that as a reason for her to sit close to me... as soon as I finished, she moved away again. Some drama ensues between the other girl and somebody taking some alcohol, and they leave. I hug and kiss my girl on the cheek, because she turned her head (#)

B - 3
C<5 - 4
# - 3
k - 1

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