Monday, July 20, 2009

Sunday night approaches

Went to Crown Bar with the promoters. Met the door guy for future reference

We arrived early and there was an open vodka bar. So true to my non-toxic life style, I had two vodka sodas with fresh lime. Yummy. I was definitely buzzed.

I winged Dylan Mackay on a couple sets that went really well. Dylan is back in action and is definitely knocking shit out of the park.

44. Walked into Dylan's set with 3 girls at the bar. Dylan introduces me as a rock star. I start chatting to the girl that appeared to be getting the least attention from Dylan and we split the set in two. This chic has a stripper name and she talks about how she is lesbian and dates strippers. So I share a story about how I recently had sex with a fetish model in a piercing chair at a piercing studio, and it was captured on the security camera. And how we watched that tape while having sex again. She thought that was pretty hot, and is telling me strip clubs to go to in Sacramento. I tell her I don't go to strip clubs because I don't need to pay for girls, but tell a story about a really nasty strip club in Austin Texas that I went to with coworkers once. I didn't even want to sit on the furniture, that's how nasty it was. We start talking about vaginas, and I do secret spots for her. She tells Dylan that I taught her things she didn't now, and Dylan said, "Yeah, that guy knows his shit!" Nice! She has to go to the bathroom, but we kiss before she goes and I slap her ass. She comes back and grabs my ass, and I slap her ass. They are leaving, so I get the # and we make out for a couple minutes. (# / k)

45. Dylan is in another set, a seated 6 set. I go in, and one of the girls immediately says "Can I get my picture with you?!" Can you say presence? So I pick her up in my arms because she weighs like 80 pounds for picture 1, and then flip her up side down and act like I'm licking her pussy for picture 2. Then I sit down in the middle of 4 of the girls. The girl in the photos is married and is Thai. We vibed on some of my Thailand travels. The other girls all introduce themselves and we chat for a long time. Dylan takes off, and none of these girls are being very responsive to sexual innuendo. I tell them I'm going to go help some of my friends meet girls and I'll be back later. (C>5) I did come back later, and they tell me they noticed me with a couple of hoes, with big smiles on their faces and high fives. Odd

46. There is a patio area, and there are two cute girls standing near the door. Horse Girl. It isn't her. We chat for a couple minutes, but it feels off and the girls wander off (C<5)

47. A girl is leaning against the bar with her arms crossed. I cross my arms too and try to look really bored. I open her with Quality Control.

48. A girl is walking by, and I open her with Sex Last Week. She loves it, but it doesn't hook. I try to physically hold her in place but she walks off (B)

49. I open the hottest girl I see in the bar with Sex Last Week. She yells, we did not have sex, and then walks off. 10 seconds later, she grabs the back of my head and pushes me. Haha (B)

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